Tigress Outriggers Chooses Home Port Marine Marketing For Product PR

Tigress Outriggers, the Florida-based manufacturer of precision-engineered saltwater sportfishing equipment, has selected Home Port Marine Marketing to provide product publicity and promotion services.

New products from Tigress include the patent-pending TigerShark I Electronically Operated LineRigger Top Mount and the TigerShark II Manually Operated LineRigger Top Mount. Both models deploy outriggers up and out from the safety and convenience of a console. A simple push of the control switch for the electronic version, or a few cranks of the handle for the manual version and you are fishing.

For more information about Tigress products, visit the tigressoutriggers website.

Established in 2001, Home Port Marine Marketing is headed by former BoatU.S. executives Jim Georgiadis and David Pilvelait and has offices in the US, the United Kingdom and Australia.By: Homeport Communications


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