The key to drop-shotting

When drop-shotting in deep water, one thing you want to really key in on, is the presentation of the bait. A lot of people when they’re drop-shotting, they’re just kind of fishing the bait like a Carolina bait. What you really want to do is to key in on what’s on the bottom. Any kind of structure whatsoever, when you bump into it, slow down, take your time, really present the bait to the fish in that structure. Whether it be rock, a stick, a stump, use the rod and the line to tell you what’s down there. And when you find it, really slow down and work that piece of cover. The drop shot is used when the fish are really tight and actually very tough to catch, and slowing down and working the cover will produce a lot more strikes if you just fished it very fast.By: Walker Agency


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