Randy and Leta Bunch Beat Mother Nature on Cedar Creek

What began as a morning with only a light breeze soon turned into a day with 55 mph gale force winds and driving rain. With three and four foot swells hindering the couples in getting to their hot spots, most had to settle for a plan “B” in which they fished any where that they could get to. Or, as the old saying goes, “any port in a storm”. And let me tell you we had a storm. Barbara asked me, “Which way is the rain blowing?”. To which I replied,”Sideways!”.

For Randy and Leta Bunch of Sachse, this turned out to be a blessing in disguise. By having to stay in one general area they concentrated on a grass bed in the back of a small cut. Their four bass weighed in at 10.15 pounds and were caught on a chartreuse Exude lizard in the grass, in less than 3 feet of water. The water was almost chocolate color because of the constant wind churning up the sentiment. For their perseverance they won first place of the tournament and took home a check for $750.00.

James and Pat Chaddick of Alba won second place with two bass going 6.77 pounds. Unlike the Bunch, they used a white spinner bait that they bought at Academy Sports and Outdoors to land all of their fish. But like the first place couple, their fish also came in less than 3 feet of water.

Third was taken by Hector and Diane De La Garza of Garland with three bass going 6.11 pounds. Again, they said that very shallow water was the key.

Big Bass
Big Bass of the tournament was a tie and the skillful anglers were Kelly and Misti Ferguson and James and Pat Chaddick, both with a bass going 4.40 lbs. Yes, once again a woman fishing from the back of the boat in used water landed one of the best fish of the tournament. All I can say is that they are surely lucky to have us men as their guides. Maybe, we are a little lucky too — to have them as our partners.

Rounding out the top six teams of the tournament were; Fourth Place, Steve and Debbie Heck of Mansfield with 4.91 lbs; Fifth, Kelly and Misti Ferguson of Garland with 4.50 lbs; Sixth, Butch and Anna Huie of Euless with 4.14 lbs.

Richland/Chambers Tournament Information
The next tournament of the Northeast region is on Sunday March 28, 2004. We will be headquartering out of Oak Cove Marina. Oak Cove Marina is located on Hwy 287 South just 20 miles east of Interstate 45 (903-872-0888)

C.A.S.T./Northeast region would like to thank all of our sponsors for their help in making these tournaments possible. Ranger Boats, Mercury Outboards, Academy Sports & Outdoors, Eagle Claw, Mr. Twister, Mepps Lures, J-Ann Awards, Fishingworld.com, Luxor Custom Jewelers, Ad Mart, Kraft Foods, and the Brownwood Chamber of Commerce.By: Tommy & Barbara Taylor / C.A.S.T.


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