Picture Yourself Fishing In Ontario

I was flipping through some photo albums with my daughter the other day, looking at fish pictures taken over the years. Naturally, most of the photographs were of camera-worthy specimensS big bass, pig pike, mambo muskies, walleyes, trout and other trophies. My daughter wanted to hear the
stories behind every one. As I told the tales, it occurred to me that many of them had one thing in common: Ontario. I suddenly realized that of all the big-fish destinations I’ve been to, I’ve probably caught more and bigger fish in Ontario than in any other Canadian province or US state.

Not surprising, since Ontario has more than 400,000 lakes, rivers and streams. In fact, 15% of the world’s fresh water is in Ontario, and all that water means infinite opportunity for big fish. So if you’re considering a family fishing vacation, or a trophy pursuit with a few pals, there’s no better place on earth to experience the trip of a lifetime.

Most of the lakes and rivers offer a smorgasbord of different species. Of course there are a variety of ways to catch them depending on season, weather conditions, water clarity, etc. But a great way to succeed on a multi-species lake that you’ve never fished before is to concentrate on obvious structure (points, islands, rocks, weedlines, etc.) and throw baits which have universal appeal AND can cover a lot of water fast. Crankbaits and swimbaits are top producers for every predatory gamefish. Pack a half
dozen of each in a variety of colors and you’ll be set. Also bring an array of jigs and soft plastic bodies, again in a range of colors, particularly if you’re targeting walleyes and bass on your trip. Remember that Ontario has a lot of monster pike with razor-sharp teeth, so don’t forget to bring some steel leaders to keep them from stealing all your baits. Medium to medium-heavy casting or spinning rods will give you a lot of versatility on your multi-species trip.

Where should you go in Ontario? I mean, it’s a big place. And since they have more lakeside resorts than anyplace else in the world, where do you begin? Well, that’s pretty easy actually. Hop on your computer and type in www.GoFishInOntario.com. When you get there, click on ‘Welcome to Ontario.’ Here you’ll get a quick overview of what you can expect on your adventure. A section called ‘Fish Of Ontario’ gives you a rundown of all the species swimming the waters, along with facts about that fish, provincial records and the average sizes you’ll encounter. There’s even a quick link for each type of fish that routes you to a list of lodges specializing in that species.

But the best part of GoFishInOntario is the ‘Fishing Trips’ selection. This is where you begin turning your dreams into reality. You click that, then select the fish species you’re after, the type of accommodations that suit you, and the region of Ontario you want to visit. Then click ‘Find A Trip’ and you’ll instantly see dozens of destinations tailor-made to your search, along with a brief description of each destination and what a trip costs in both American and Canadian dollars. See one you like? Click that to learn more and to find a link to that lodge’s website. Comparison shopping for a fishing trip has never been easier or more fun.

Let’s say that you’re the die-hard fisherman in your family and the others want some additional activities to enjoy. Boy are you in luck! Because it’s not only incredible fishing that makes Ontario so great. There are tons of other things to do. Canoeing, kayaking, hiking, biking, shopping, dining,
entertainment, museums, cosmopolitan cities, you name it. So there’s always fun waiting for anyone who wants to take a day off from fishing (even though that someone probably isn’t you).

There are many Americans who have some misconceptions about Ontario vacations. The first is that a Canadian fishing trip is expensive. Not so. n fact, they’re incredibly affordable. You’ll see that when you check out the GoFishInOntario.com website. Others assume that international travel must be complicated. Again, nothing could be further from the truth. If you’re driving by land into Ontario, the border crossings are quick and easy and do not yet require a passport. Air travel does. In today’s age of
security, that’s understandable. My recommendation to any American sportsman or woman is to get a passport now, regardless of your future travel plans. Because you never know when an opportunity to travel out of the country might pop up.

I have an Ontario fishing trip planned for this summer, and the thought of it keeps me up at night. I can hardly wait! Because when I go there, there are two things I can always count on: First, I know I’ll catch fishS lots of fish, and big ones too. Second, I know that the people I’ll encounter at the lodge, and in all the communities along the way, will be some of the nicest people I’ve ever met. There’s a friendliness to Canada that’s as enjoyable as the fishing. Who knowsS maybe I’ll see you there. I hope so.

Good Fishing!

Babe Winkelman is a nationally-known outdoorsman who has taught people to fish and hunt for nearly 30 years. Watch his award-winning ‘Good Fishing’ and ‘Outdoor Secrets’ television shows on Versus (VS.), Fox Sports Net, Wild TV and many local networks.By: Babe Winkelman / Babe Winkelman Productions


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