NMMA Releases 2007 Recreational Boating Statistical Abstract

The National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA) recently released its 2007 Recreational Boating Statistical Abstract. Copies of the annual study are now available for purchase to both NMMA members and non-member companies. The Abstract highlights boating sales and participation numbers compiled on behalf of the recreational boating industry throughout calendar year 2007.

According to Abstract data, more than $37.5 billion was generated in boating sales and services in 2007, a decrease of five percent from 2006.

“The soft housing market and weakening economy have clearly impacted our industry in terms of new boat sales, but we’re adapting to changes in the economic landscape to help position our industry for growth in the coming years,” says Thom Dammrich, NMMA president.

As the domestic market weakened, many U.S. boat manufacturers have been able to offset declining domestic sales with exports to Canada, Europe and Australia. In fact, in 2007, the U.S.experienced its first positive trade balance in the import and export of recreational boats and engines since 1996 (when NMMA began recording the data).

As a result of the declining dollar, exports of recreational boats and engines grew 23 percent in 2007 to $2.9 billion. Exports of U.S. manufactured boats gained 26 percent over the prior year to $2.2 billion and exports of U.S. engines gained 13 percent to $678 million in 2007. Imports dropped 12 percent compared to 2006 led by engines, which decreased 26 percent to $1 billion, while boats increased three percent to $1.5 billion.

“The 2007 Recreational Boating Statistical Abstract is a comprehensive summary of statistics on the U.S. recreational boating industry, providing tremendous insight into boating’s impact on the national economy,” says James Petru, NMMA director of industry statistics and research. “We expanded the latest Abstract to include new data related to boater participation, economic value of boating by state, and duration of ownership for new boat purchases.”Additional findings from NMMA’s 2007 Recreational Boating Statistical Abstract include:

  • New traditional powerboat unit sales were down just eight percent, less than previous industry forecasts which indicated a decline of as much as 15 percent.
  • New power and sailboat sales exceeded recreational vehicle (RV) sales in 2007, with 395,200 total boats sold and 308,670 total RVs sold.
  • More than 74 percent of boats are owned by individuals or families with a household income under $100,000.
  • The number of boats in use rose to 17 million in 2007, an increase of nearly 60,000 from 2006.
  • Only a hard-copy format of the 2007 Recreational Boating Statistical Abstract is being offered. All NMMA members will receive one free copy of the Abstract, which is being mailedin a special envelope marked “Important Industry Data.”

Additional copies may be ordered at the member-discounted price of $225 per copy. The Abstract will also be made available for purchase to non-NMMA members at a cost of $750 each.

Copies of the 2007 Abstract may be ordered by contacting NMMA fulfillment coordinator Chris Keil at (312) 946-6209; [email protected].

National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA) is the leading association representing the recreational boating industry. NMMA member companies produce more than 80 percent of the boats, engines, trailers, accessories and gear used by boaters in the United States. The association is dedicated to industry growth through programs in public policy, market research and data, product quality assurance and marketing communications.By: Lindsey Savin Johnson


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