More Big Bass Fun Headed Your Way in September

Make plans now to win your share of more than $400,000 in GUARANTEED cash & prizes at the 19th Annual McDonalds Big Bass Splash® to be held at Lake Fork Marina on Lake Fork September 23rd through 25th. It will be three days of family, fishing, and fun with prizes such as Triton Bass Boats powered by Mercury outboards and equipped with MinnKota trolling motors and Lowrance Electronics, an H2 Hummer, Dodge truck, Honda ATVs, Cherokee Travel Trailers & more!
Twelve places will be paid in CASH for the twelve heaviest bass brought to the scales each hour! You can also win in the Exact Weight Boat contest, Elimination Drawing, Early Bird Drawings, or Open Drawing.
Kids ages up to twelve may participate in the Little Anglers Division and win Academy gift cards and plaques for their winning catches of bass, crappie, bream, or catfish.
Come by and check out the sponsor displays and vendor exhibits. Theyll be set up daily beginning on Thursday at noon with lots of outdoor items and more! (Vendor inquiries welcome!)
For more information stop by your local Academy Sports & Outdoors store for a Splash Times Event Directory which includes your official entry form, call us toll free at 888-698-2591.

The McDonalds Big Bass Splash® September 23rd through 25th on Lake Fork at Lake Fork Marina. Proceeds benefit the Ronald McDonald House & select McDonalds Childrens Charities.   By: Robin Johnston


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