Flounder Revolution published a new entry entitled “Monday Flounder Update: Rollover Pass meeting, ice chest conversion” on 4/19/2010 6:40:14 AM, written by Flounder Revolution.
Monday Flounder Update: Rollover Pass meeting, ice chest conversion
Greetings fellow flounder fanatics!
Just a few tidbits this morning before I head to do some field testing and photo shoots this morning. When I get good weather this time of year (no crazy wind!) I try to stay out as much as possible. Well, here we go…
Rollover Pass Meeting
The Texas General Land Office (GLO) has made application for a permit to close Rollover Pass on Bolivar Peninsula due to its impacts on beach erosion and sedimentation within the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway. If the pass is closed, there will be loss of public recreational fishing access.
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) has heard concerns from many recreational anglers about this potential loss of fishing opportunities and will be hosting a public scoping meeting in Galveston on April 28 to discuss options for future recreational access in the Rollover Pass-Bolivar Peninsula area.
This meeting is not to discuss the Rollover Pass closure issue, rather TPWD wants to gather public comments on what preferred amenities (piers, boat ramps, parking lots, facilities, etc.) would be priority, and what locations would benefit the most people.
TPWD will provide these comments to GLO to assist in developing a plan to create the most suitable recreational fishing opportunities should Rollover Pass be closed.
The TPWD public scoping meeting will be held April 28 from 6-8 pm at the Galveston County Courthouse, 600 59th Street, Galveston. If you are unable to attend the meeting, please provide comments on preferred options for recreational fishing access by April 27 to Tonya Wiley, TPWD Dickinson Marine Lab, 1502 FM 517E, Dickinson, Texas 77539, phone 281-534-0131 or [email protected].
Ice Chest Conversion
My Dad, Chester Moore, Sr., has made a really cool holding tank for our flounder and speckled trout donations to Sea Center. He took an old ice chest, put on a 1/4-inch plexiglass covering and rigged up a slot to attach an oxygen bottle or recycling aerator. He made a door to easily slide fish in and used stainless hinges and screws so it can withstand saltwater. I thought I would share this with everyone interested in helping donate fish. I like the clear top so you can keep an eye on the fish and the idea of recycling an old item. Check it out.
Turn in those 20-inchers
Although the April replica will likely go to our new record holder featured below, don’t forget to turn in those 20 plus inch catches. They will net you “Flounder Angler of the Year” points (based on total flounder releases documented in 2010) and more importantly contribute to conservation.