Larry & Liz Petr Win Palestine With 20+

It’s been 6 years since we have fished Lake Palestine and after looking at the weights and numbers of bass brought to the scales, I can only ask, why did we wait so long?

Before arriving at the tournament Larry & Liz went to their local Academy Sports and Outdoor Store to buy a package of Mister Twister Exude Super Lizards, it was this bait that they caught their 5 bass limit. Their bag of bass hit the scales at 20.67 lbs. Their largest bass went 7.87 lbs.

Lots of our couples caught fish by throwing spinner baits next to the bank and a few were landed rattle traps and jerk baits. The bass were caught all over the lake with no one area producing better than the others.

Big Bass Cecil and Paula Suttle brought a 8.10 pound bass to the weigh-in to capture the Big Bass honors. Cecil said that he just threw out his line and that it started moving slowly away. He set the hook and the fight was on.

Next Tournament Information

Lake Date Headquarters Weigh-in
Bob Sandlin May 1 Rick Milams House Titus County Park

We will be holding registration between 3-5 pm on Saturday April 30 at Rick & Linda Milam’s home on the lake.

Remember; this is our annual “pot luck” dinner. Rick and Linda will be preparing all the meats, so just bring your favorite dish. The dinner will start at 5:00 pm.

Also, we will have a doctor who will for free check for skin cancer (3-5pm), if you would like. I know that I am going to get checkedBy: Tommy Taylor


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