Kelly and Holly Kickoff The 2003 Season With A Win On Cedar Creek

C.A.S.T. Metroplex Division kicked off the 2003 tournament season at Cedar Creek Reservoir on Saturday February the 15th. Muggy and dense fog with mild temperatures greeted the couples at take off with the threat of severe thunderstorms and a cold front approaching by mid-morning. By weigh-in the temperature dropped at least 20 degrees to be in the upper 40’s.

Top honors went to Kelly & Holly Chesney of Azle, with 3 fish that tipped the scales at 8.46lbs. Kelly & Holly caught their fish on spinnerbaits around the mid-lake area. For 1st Place the Chesney’s received $500.00. Congratulations! Kelly & Holly want to thank Fun-N-Sun for their support. Our 2nd Place couple was the 2002 Couple of the Year, Jimmy & Karen Williams, of Granbury, that caught 4 fish that weighed a total of 7.44 lbs. Jimmy and Karen caught their fish on lizards in the mid-lake area. They received $350.00 for their hard work. Great Job! The 3rd Place couple from Jewitt is Landon & Anne Ware with 2 fish that weighed 7.10 lbs. The Ware’s won $175.00 for their efforts. Nice Catch!

Fourth Place went to Ralph Holland & Mary Lyons of Meridian with one fish that weighed a whopping 6.65 lbs. Ralph & Mary caught their fish on a Carolina Rig lizard in 28 feet of water on a main lake point. They won $150.00 for their catch. Finally, the 5th Place couple was Bill & Audrey Gammons of Lewisville, with 2 fish that weighed a total of 5.88 lbs. The Gammons received $125.00 for their fish. Nice Job!

Big Bass honors went to Ralph Holland & Mary Lyons of Meridian. Their big fish weighed 6.60lbs. They Received $87.00 for the Big Bass. The fish was caught on a lizard in deep water off a main lake point. 2nd Place Big Bass went to Landon & Anne Ware of Jewitt with a 4.63 lb. fish that won them and extra $58.00.


On March 15th the Metroplex Division will be going to Lake Lewisville. Registration will be at Tower Bay Boat Ramp at 5:30 A.M. Weigh-in will also be at Tower Bay. Directions: Take I-35E north to Denton. Exit Garden Ridge and immediately turn right over the railroad tracks. Turn left in front of The Slalom Shop and follow the road and it runs into the park. Make sure you stop and the little pay box and put your $2.00 in for boat ramp fee. The City of Lewisville loves to give out tickets for not paying and parking wrong in the parking lot.

Fishing should be outstanding on Lewisville in March. The fish should be spawning or in the shallows preparing to spawn. Lures to fish on Lewisville are spinnerbaits, lizards, RattleTraps, and Jigs.


Well, first of all, Misty and I want to thank everyone that come out and fished with us at Cedar Creek. It was great seeing everyone from last year again and meeting all the new couples that have joined the Metroplex Division. We hope everyone enjoyed himself or herself as much as we did. I still believe the Metroplex is still going to grow as the months continue to warm up.

We want to thank Quincy and Carloyn Brown for donating a door prize. Also we want to thank Ranger Boats, Mercury Outboards, Pro Rule, Mister Twister, Mepps, Continental Batteries, and all the other National Sponsors of C.A.S.T. We want to personally thank Jeff Gilbert of Fun-N-Sun Boating Center for sponsoring the Metroplex Divisions plaques this year. If anyone is looking for a new Ranger Boat please stop by one the three locations of Fun-N-Sun and please give them an opportunity. Fun-N-Sun is owned an operated by tournament fisherman. They can fill any need or want you might have in your next boat purchase. Thanks again to Jeff Gilbert. If anyone knows of anybody that might be interested in sponsoring the Metroplex Division with door prizes please let me know.

As most of you know, the championship is going to be on Sam Rayburn Reservoir this year on October 10th, 11th, and 12th. Registration and Banquet will be held in Lufkin. Weigh-In will be held on the north end of the lake at an undetermined site at this time. If wanting to reserve rooms please contact Heather at (936) 634-6644. She can give you some phone numbers of hotels in the Lufkin area.

Again, we want to welcome everyone to C.A.S.T. and participating at Cedar Creek. We hope you enjoy yourselves and can make new fishing friends while you do something you enjoy doing. We hope to see everyone at Lake Lewisville on March 15th.By: Jody & Misty Holubek, Director


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