Joe & Suzie Moss win Richland Chambers event with 20.32 lbs.

The air temperature on Richland Chambers Lake had dropped to the freezing mark. A very late March cold front had just blow through and we were faced with the dreaded “blue bird sky”– the day after a front. When I started the tournament, everyone was saying that they hoped that they could catch just one bass on a day like today. I had to agree that the fishing conditions were going to be extremely tough. Then weigh-in started. Several boats pulled up to the dock and let their spouse out holding a weigh-bag. I thought, “Thank goodness someone landed a fish.” Then several more boats pulled up to the dock, and then several more and several more after them. These bags all were holding limits of fish. I could not believe it. What everyone had predicted as a very bad tournament had turned into one of the best that we have had in several years. We even had two (2) bass weigh in over 10 pounds.

Tournament Winners

Joe & Susie Moss of Bullard, TX won first place with a 5 bass limit of 20.32 lbs. They took home $850.00 for their winning effort. Joe said that they could not see the bass on the beds but that they could see “light spots” in the water. They used a 7-inch Mr. Twister green pumpkin Exude lizard with a 1/16 weight and just made many, many casts to the light spots.

Rounding out the top six for the tournament were:

Second place was won by Ronnie & Margaret Sherbert, Fort Worth. They also had a limit of fish that weighed in at 18.95 lbs. Third place was taken by Ray & Deborah Peace of Arlington with 17.56 lbs. Fourth place went to John & Grace Watts of Plano with 17.48 lbs. In fifth place with 17.24 lbs. were Craig Merritt and Heather Carson of Rockwall. Rick & Linda Milam, Fort Worth, TX took sixth place with 15.28 lbs.

Big Bass
It is a sight to behold when someone brings in a huge 10-pound bass to weigh in, but when two people bring in one of these giant fish it is absolutely amazing. Our Big Bass of the tournament was landed by Ray & Deborah Peace. When the scales stopped spinning, it weighed 10.76 lbs. Randy & Keshia Stevenson of The Colony landed Second Big Bass of the tournament. It went 10.03 lbs. Congratulations to both of these fine couples for their catch.

Special Note
Barbara and I just received a phone call from one of our Northeast couples, Jeff and Kelly Barlow, who fished the tournament today. On their way home, they had a flat. While Jeff was changing the tire on the shoulder of Highway 45, Davis Burden and Diana Garman passed them, took the exit road and came back to see if they needed help. The Barlows assured them everything was under control and thank them for being so thoughtful. A minute later, Allen and Judy Blackman passed them, noticed that they had a flat, exited and circled around to see if they could help. Once again, Jeff and Kelly told them how much they appreciated their stopping and stated they were fine. A few more seconds passed and wouldn’t you know it Garry and Connie Darby drove by and saw the Barlows on the side of the highway. They also exited and wheeled around to see if they needed assistance. Again, Jeff and Kelly expressed their appreciation and assured them they were in good shape. So what did Kelly call about? She just wanted to say that without a doubt the Northeast CAST couples are some of the finest people they have ever had the pleasure of knowing. And you know whatTHAT’S THE TRUTH.

April Tournament
The next tournament of the Northeast region is on Sunday April 13, 2003 at Lake Bob Sandlin. We will register at Rick and Linda Milam’s place on Bob Sandlin from 3 to 5pm on Saturday, April 12th. We have enclosed a map Rick and Linda emailed us so you perfect directions. If you have problems their number is 903-856-5608. After registration and the meeting, we will “break bread” together. All you have to do is bring a lawn chair or something to sit on and a cover dish.

C.A.S.T. Sponsors
C.A.S.T. / Northeast region would like to thank all of our sponsors for their help in making these tournaments possible. Ranger Boats, Mercury Outboards, Academy Sports & Outdoors, Continental Batteries, Eagle Claw, Mr. Twister, Mepps Lures, J-Ann Awards,, Luxor Custom Jewelers, AdMart, Kraft Foods, ProRule and the Lufkin Chamber of Commerce.

A special thank you to John & Grace Watts for their procuring of the Academy sponsorship for CAST. Remember to support those who support YOU!! At our Bob Sandlin tournament, Barbara will provide you a list of sponsors and their contact person’s email address when you register.

Until we meet again, thank our Lord Jesus Christ for keeping our boarders, waterways and skies protected, keeping our troops out of harm’s way, and always being with us as we keep pressing toward the mark of His high callingGod Bless America.

Bass Wishes,

Tommy and BarbaraBy: Tommy & Barbara Taylor / C.A.S.T.


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