Daiwa’s New High-Performance Millionaire CV-Z300A

Fully anodized, feature-laden, fish-fighting machine

Tooled from a solid chunk of Aluminum, Daiwa’s new Millionaire reel boasts features that seem to be the bellwether of plug casting reels

Daiwa’s newest CV-ZA MILLIONAIRE is the largest in the series and also the first to feature spool click.

Like the other Millionaire-Z models, the MCV-Z300A is tooled from a solid piece of aircraft aluminum and all exterior surfaces are hard anodized.

This new, larger model also sports Daiwa’s exclusive Centriflex-

spool brake system that all but eliminates backlashes. The Centriflex spool brake system automatically turns on and off one time during a cast. There is no braking at the start of a cast because the Centriflex’s brake blocks are retracted. Triggered by the spool’s RPM, the brake blocks automatically push against the brake drum as the spool approaches maximum speed. And that’s the only time spool breaking is needed. When the spool begins to slow, the brake blocks automatically retract to the OFF position.

Daiwa’s unique, patented Centriflex brake system provides just the right amount of braking tension at the precise moment it is needed. Only Daiwa spool brake systems turn on and off during a cast to allow your spool to keep spinning longer.

The Centriflex system is easily adjustable. Housed inside the reel’s waterproof screw-on sideplate, the centrifugal force adjustment knob is quickly accessible yet out of the way when the battle is on.

The Centriflex system, when combined with Daiwa’s patented Super Speed shaft, provides the ultimate in long-range casting ability. Super Speed Shaft totally separates the spool from the gears in freespool. Only Daiwa reels feature these high-tech casting features.

For silky smooth, superior fish fighting power, the MCV-Z300A features a massive, seven-disc drag system that alternates stainless steel drag washers with Daiwa’s exclusive Teflon/graphite composite discs. The composite discs will not deform like ordinary Teflon washers so they provide consistent performance hot or cold wet or dry.

Tooled from a solid piece of bar stock aluminum, the CV-Z’s frame won’t torque and will provide years of dependability. Rigid, non-torquing frame ensures more cranking power and prevents excessive wear on other components.

Sideplates and spool are also precision-tooled high-grade aluminum.

Marine grade phosphor bronze and brass gears are machine cut to exacting standards. The clear superiority of these reels is even evidenced in the super tough line guide which is “Titanium Nitrided” stainless steel to make it cut and corrosion proof.

Ideal reels for sailfish, outsized snook and redfish, and a host of other saltwater gamefish, the Z300 models are also premium choices for freshwater monsters such as muskie and sturgeon

Every crank of the MCV-Z300a’s handle retrieves an impressive 23.6 inches of line. With 6 ball bearings and a 5:1 gear ratio, these reels offer uncompromising performance for a wide range of species freshwater, inshore, and offshore species.

The Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) is $249.95









Line Per

Handle Turn













14/390, 16/310




For a color catalog send $2 (for shipping & handling) to Daiwa Corp., P.O. Box 6031, Artesia, CA 90702-6031. Look for the Daiwa logo in your yellow pages under tackle shops and sporting goods dealers, or call Daiwa’s Customer Service Department at 562-802-9589 for information on dealers in your area. The toll-free fax line for customer service inquires is 800-653-2492, or E-mail inquires to: [email protected].

By: Mark Weintz Communications


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